When you are planning on repainting the interior of your house or business, the first thing that comes in your mind is to choose the correct paint. It is important to choose the correct interior paint that not only will look good but last for years.
How long the interior paint will last depends on the quality of paint and the condition of the particular room. However, you can expect a good quality paint job by a professional painter under good weather conditions to last from five to ten years. Mentioned below are few conditions that can cause paint jobs to decrease their longevity and lose their luster.
The most important factor that determines how long your interior repaint job will last is the quality of paint used in the project. There are many different types of interior paint and features, for example, the degree of splatter, the abrasion resistance, and the presence of volatile organic compounds in paint. In general, the more expensive paints you buy, the more it will have abrasion resistance and little splatter. This makes the paint job much easier and your interior paint will last longer.
For interior paint jobs in Lyndhurst, NJ, oil based paints are often considered the best choice for long-lasting paint jobs. Oil based paints last long for two reasons, high durability and drying capacity. Oil-based paints are highly durable and dry rock hard. However, many oil based paints have been taken off from the market because of their high VOC levels.
Water and alkyd based paints are good alternatives to oil-based paints. Both water and alkyd based paints are safe for environment and will look good on your walls. A good trick to understand whether the paint you buy will last for years is the price. If it is little expensive, chances are that it’s an excellent paint that will last for years. In general, the average range of interior repaint cost in Lyndhurst, NJ is $20-$50 per hour.
The amount of traffic your interior room receives will have a strong influence on the longevity of the paint. High traffic rooms likely to have greater chances for abrasions and paint chipping. Using a paint that resists abrasions is highly important for children’s rooms and playrooms.
Each home has different conditions and as a result, the how long the interior paint will last can vary drastically. The most effective way to figure out this is to call in professional painting contractors to evaluate the same.