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August 6, 2021Not to be confused with chalk paint, chalkboard paint is a great way to add engagement and pizzazz to children’s rooms. It offers both versatility and ease of application.
The right interior painting contractor can transform an ordinary wall in your Lyndhurst NJ home into something completely different that everyone in the family can enjoy.
What Is Chalkboard Paint?
In short, it turns walls into surfaces you can safely write on with chalk. It has a tough, scratch-resistant finish. This type of paint can be used with metal, drywall, wood, glass, concrete and almost anything else. It works best when applied indoors.
The wall you’re going to use should be in good condition with a very smooth surface. Without a smooth surface, chalkboard paint will amplify every irregularity. That, in turn, will leave you with a bumpy writing surface.
After two applications or more, the paint will dry for three days. The surface will then be coated with chalk before being wiped clean.
Chalkboard paint should be used sparingly. It’s best used as an accent on a larger wall or as a covering for a small wall. If you’re concerned about chalk dust, add the paint in a low-traffic area of your home.
With chalkboard paint, less is more. Too much can give your home a graffiti-like look that makes you feel like you’re living in a subway station.
Chalkboard paint will not wear off or fade. Once painting is complete, the surface cannot be damaged no matter how often you use it.
When it’s time for something new, chalkboard paint is easily covered up by painting over it.
Why Chalkboard Paint?
Childhood doesn’t last very long, but it’s a time of enormous imagination and creativity. What kid hasn’t discovered the joy of writing on the walls, and what adult hasn’t been stuck scrubbing it off at least once?
Now, you can give your kids the freedom to write on the walls whenever they wish. You might even want to join them. At night, you can erase everything and start over again in the morning.
Chalkboard Walls
Offer your kids freedom of expression by adding chalkboard paint to an entire wall or to a bedroom closet door. Encourage spontaneous self-expression by keeping a wide variety of colored chalk in a nearby storage bin.
Giving kids their own surface to do with as they please may keep them from messing with your other walls. However, kids will be kids, so there’s no guarantee.
Chalkboard Furniture
You can use chalkboard paint on kids’ furniture, too. Ask your little one to choose a chalkboard paint color. When the paint dries, let your child decorate the piece using the chalk.
You can encourage kids to draw letters and numbers on the surfaces and to practice signing their names on these original works.
Chalkboard Blocks
For a new take on learning the ABCs, a 12′ x 4-inch piece of landscaping timber can be cut into 4 x 4-inch cubes. After sanding and smoothing, chalkboard paint can be applied to each cube.
Ask your child to decorate each block with a letter and to draw pictures of items that start with that letter. Before you know it, your toddler will be reading novels in French and winning national spelling bees.
Benefits of Chalkboard Interior Painting
Chalkboarding is a great mommy and me activity that can mean everything to a little one. You can photograph the progression of your child’s artistic development in real time and see the creative process at work.
If you have multiple little ones who all need something to do, encourage them to create a mural together. If anyone makes a mistake, you can simply wipe it off.
Teach your kids to clean the chalkboard themselves. That way, they can remove mistakes as they go along instead of starting over or getting you to do it.
Next to crayons and coloring books, chalkboards may be the safest and least messy way to give your kids ready access to self-expression. There are no supplies to gather, no preparations to be made and nearly zero cleanup.
Oil paint, acrylics and even water colors can all leave you with a mess no matter how careful you are. On the other hand, you can clean a chalkboard wall in about a minute with an all-felt chalkboard eraser.
If your wall develops chalky buildup that the eraser won’t remove, here’s what to do. Pour some Coke into a bowl. Dip a sponge into the Coke and use it to wipe down the wall. Your chalkboard will look brand new.
Why Call J. Canabe Painting?
If you want to work with accomplished Lyndhurst NJ interior painters, we can help. Our team of consummate interior painters and talented interior designers can ensure amazing results.
We have the skills and expertise to deliver world-class work. Few painting contractors in Northern New Jersey can match our level of quality. For us, it’s just standard operating procedure.
During a detailed consultation and project evaluation, we will ensure that your vision becomes our vision. We are, of course, fully licensed, bonded and insured.
When you work with us, you can expect professional work that’s completed on time and does not exceed budget.
After clarifying the desired results, our team will outline the chalkboard painting process from start to finish and walk you through each step.
Our goal is to minimize disruptions so effectively that you might forget we’re there. As professionals, we work smart and we work clean. We don’t like messes any more than you do.
Before you know it, your project will come to fruition right before your eyes. We know you’ll love the completed work. In fact, we absolutely guarantee it.