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January 24, 2016If the circumstances are favorable, the deck stain you apply on your deck stinks appropriately into the pores of the wood and dries to a flawless finish. However, there are certain conditions when problem may arise – when the wood hasn’t been cleaned properly, the wood is wet, and you apply the stain incorrectly. One of the major problems that
arise due to improper staining and unfavorable circumstances is bubbling. Bubbles in deck stain leave the finish riddled with dark circles of finish. When it comes to cure bubbles in deck stain, early prevention is better than immediate cure.
Reasons Why Bubbles Are Formed:
One of the primary reasons why bubbles are formed in any kind of deck stain is the moisture in the wood. However, when you are getting bubbles in your newly installed deck, it’s probably because your new wood hasn’t completely dried out yet. Nevertheless, an old deck even retains moisture, especially when you power-wash it.
Bubbles are generally formed in the pores, when you apply stain in wet wood. If you are working in hot weather, bubbles can immediately start rising to the surface before the stain dries completely. Bubbles can also be formed simply because you are too fast with your staining project.
How to Fix Bubbles?
Once you have found bubbles on the surface of your wooden deck, you may be able to fix them in no time, if the stain hasn’t dried yet. On that case, you can simply brush out the bubbles from the surface of wood. For this, you just need to take your brush and run it politely over the bubbles, going with the grain of the wood. This will make all bubbles disappear in no time. However, as mentioned earlier, you can only do this if the stain has not dried properly. Once the stain is fully dried and hardened, you can fix bubbles by stripping the finish and recoating the wood.
How to Strip the Deck?
Stripping the deck is not as difficult as it sounds. First, purchase good quality deck stripper to wipe off the bubbled stain. Deck stripper is not as strong as paint stripper, but you still need to protect the sides of the house from it by covering them with a plastic sheet. Once you have properly stripped the entire deck, wait for it to dry properly. Then you have to go back over it with sandpaper to remove blotches.
Staining your deck is not as difficult as people say. However, if you want quality and error free staining, consider hiring the professionals experienced in interior painting in Lyndhurst NJ.